DATE is pleased to present a special hybrid format for its 2022 event, as the situation related to COVID-19 is improving but safety measures and restrictions will remain uncertain for the upcoming months across Europe and worldwide. In transition towards a future post-pandemic event again, DATE 2022 will host a two-day live event in presence in the city of Antwerp (just north of Brussels in Belgium), to bring the community together again, followed by other activities carried out entirely online in the subsequent days. This setup combines the in-presence experience with the opportunities of on-line activities, fostering the networking and social interactions around an interesting program of selected talks and panels on emerging topics to complement the traditional DATE high-quality scientific, technical and educational activities.
Multi-Partner Innovative Research Projects
DATE 2021 program will include one or more sessions dedicated to multi-partner innovative and/or highly-technological Research Projects addressing the DATE 2021 topics. This includes:
- EU-funded Projects
- H2020
- European Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
- COST Actions
- CleanSkyprojects
- …
- Country- and Region-funded Projects
- Projects funded by the European Space Agency
- Research projects funded by industry
The Proceedings of DATE 2021 will include the papers corresponding to Multi-Partner Innovative Research Projects sessions. Project Coordinators are invited to submit a paper up to six pages in one of the following categories (to be clearly identified in the title or abstract of the paper):
- Initial stage: projects in early stages can naturally bring less technical content in their submission, yet they can present a concise view of what the technical objectives of the project are, their relevance, the approach authors plan to use to address them, …
- Intermediate stage: this type of submissions is expected to provide a view of the technical status of the project in terms of achievements, challenges addressed, and open bits until the end of the project.
- Final stage: This type of submissions should summarize the technical work done in the project and provide insights on the lessons learnt in the project.
Submissions are not blind as authors are required to clarify in the submission the name of their project and the stage in which the project is.
As a rule of thumb, we target papers that present more than ‘project flyers’ and less than specific techniques that can be submitted as regular papers to the main track.
The Multi-Partner Innovative Research Projects session is an excellent opportunity to present your work to the DATE community. It also helps you fulfilling the dissemination and outreach obligations of your project. DATE also offers you the opportunity to reserve private virtual meeting rooms that are ideal to held internal virtual project (fringe) meetings, so you and your project partners can make the most of your week at DATE.
Papers will be peer-reviewed and selected based on innovation and originality; in particular, we would like to give visibility to papers addressing DATE 2021 topics.
Accepted papers will be presented online via the DATE 2021 virtual conference system
- One registration to the DATE 2021 conference is required for each accepted paper.
- Each accepted papers is required to register a project booth in the DATE 2021 (virtual) exhibition area.
Multi-Partner Innovative Research Projects papers must be submitted before Monday, 02 November 2020 AoE. Submissions need to be made on-line via the DATE 2021 website:
TPC members
- Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK
- Jon Perez, IK4-IKERLAN, ES
- Kim Grüttner, OFFIS e.V. - Institut für Informatik, DE
- Selma Saidi, TU Dortmund, DE
For more information, please contact:

Francisco Cazorla, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES