DATE is pleased to present a special hybrid format for its 2022 event, as the situation related to COVID-19 is improving but safety measures and restrictions will remain uncertain for the upcoming months across Europe and worldwide. In transition towards a future post-pandemic event again, DATE 2022 will host a two-day live event in presence in the city of Antwerp (just north of Brussels in Belgium), to bring the community together again, followed by other activities carried out entirely online in the subsequent days. This setup combines the in-presence experience with the opportunities of on-line activities, fostering the networking and social interactions around an interesting program of selected talks and panels on emerging topics to complement the traditional DATE high-quality scientific, technical and educational activities.
Friday Workshops
DATE 2021 Friday’s Workshops initiative started in 2003 fostering a number of workshops on different topics and attracting an audience of both researchers and designers.
The event offers a unique opportunity to present and discuss new and in-progress outcomes, as well as experiences and visions. The topics have been changing during the years, following the trend on current and emerging issues in design, test, software and EDA, taking the floor after the regular conference programme running throughout the week.
The Friday Workshop programme for DATE 2021 is rich and includes five workshop themes. These cover innovative ideas from different areas like system design, test, reliability, and security, including a range of systems from individual processors to heterogeneous, automotive, and autonomous systems.
Friday Workshop attendees should choose in advance one workshop. The workshops will run in two time slots in the virtual conference platform. The individual timetables for each workshop may vary, and for the detailed version of the workshop programme, visit the workshop webpages.
All times give in the programme refer to the time zone CET.
For more information, please contact:

Hiren D. Patel, University of Waterloo, CA

Michael Glass, Ulm University, DE