DATE is pleased to present a special hybrid format for its 2022 event, as the situation related to COVID-19 is improving but safety measures and restrictions will remain uncertain for the upcoming months across Europe and worldwide. In transition towards a future post-pandemic event again, DATE 2022 will host a two-day live event in presence in the city of Antwerp (just north of Brussels in Belgium), to bring the community together again, followed by other activities carried out entirely online in the subsequent days. This setup combines the in-presence experience with the opportunities of on-line activities, fostering the networking and social interactions around an interesting program of selected talks and panels on emerging topics to complement the traditional DATE high-quality scientific, technical and educational activities.


As you will receive free access to the DATE Conference and Exhibition as a media representative, there are certain requirements which have to be met.

Please see the DATE Media Qualification Requirements and be prepared to provide proof of your media status according to the document when registering for the Press area.

If you are an accredited journalist and would like to register for DATE, please use the online registration form.

In case of any questions, please contact the Conference Manager.

DATE 2021 conference – the DATE community gathered virtually in large numbers for another unique conference

Following the last-minute transformation of DATE 2020 to a virtual conference, DATE planned to gather its community again in Grenoble, France for DATE 2021 from 1 to 5 February 2021. Again, considering the continued erratic development of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and thus related restrictions of world-wide travelling as well as the safety and health of the DATE community, the Organising Committees decided to also host DATE 2021 as a virtual conference.

DATE combines the world’s favourite electronic systems design and test conference with an international exhibition for electronic design, automation and test, from system-level hardware and software implementation right down to integrated circuit design. This year, the conference was held as a virtual live conference from 1 to 5 February 2021 which offered an exciting, wide-ranging technical programme.

The 2021 DATE week was opened by six in-depth technical tutorials on the main topics and given by leading experts in their respective fields. The topics covered Industrial Control Systems Security, Software-Defined Hardware: Digital Design in the 21st Century with Chisel, How Emerging Memory Technology Will Reshape Future Computing, Security in the Post-Quantum Era: Threats and Countermeasures, Automation goes both ways: ML for security and security for ML as well as CAD for SoC Security.

With the Opening Ceremony, live online on Tuesday morning, virtual DATE 2021 officially opened its doors and started off with one of the plenary keynote lectures given by John Martinis, professor of Physics at UC Santa Barbara, who gave an insight on “Quantum Supremacy Using A Programmable Superconducting Processor”.

Anna Grassellino, recently named “Woman of the Year” by the Italian magazine “D La Repubblica”, opened the afternoon live slot of the online conference with her plenary keynote lecture on “Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems (SQMS) – a new DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Center”.

61 technical sessions were organized in line with the main conference programme, which participants could follow live during two time slots each from Tuesday to Thursday.


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